Monday, September 17, 2007

Book Event in LA for ITP Sat. 9/22

[This is an event that WCW is organizing.]

Join us at the next World Can't Wait meeting where Profs. Dennis Loo (co-editor) & Barbara Bowley (contributor) will discuss their important book:

Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush & Cheney

at the Peace Center, 8124 W. 3rd Street
at Crescent Heights, west of Fairfax, L.A.
(Parking in back carport area through alley)

In preparation for the discussion, if you haven't yet read the book, it is suggested that you read the Preface, that begins:

"The Bush/Cheney administration and the radical right wing forces that it represents constitute an extraordinary threat to the world. As events unfold this becomes painfully ever more evident: the appalling debacle of Katrina, the disastrous and immoral occupation of Iraq with no end in sight, murder of prisoners by American personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantánamo and covert rendition of prisoners to nations known for torture, Bush’s admission that he secretly and illegally authorized spying on Americans and his brazen declaration upon being caught that he will continue to do so, and on and on. Their corruption, incompetence, criminal activity, and disregard for human rights and the law seem endless. The White House has become increasingly embattled due to these events, but it will take unprecedented popular action to end this regime. Governments do not fall of their own weight; they must be driven out... "

We'll also be talking about the Declare It Now: Wear Orange to Drive Out the Bush Regime campaign as a concrete expression of the call put forth in ITP for a mass mobilization of the people.

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